A blonde woman suffering from text neck stands with poor posture looking down at her cell phone.

Text Neck: The Hidden Epidemic We Shouldn’t Ignore

Discover the hidden epidemic of “text neck,” and how focusing on the ergonomics and protection of your “north core” can help.

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A child wearing a teal N-95 mask to protect against COVID stares into the distance.

COVID 2023: Are We There Yet?

We’ve made tremendous strides in reducing the number of infections, hospitalizations, and deaths attributed to COVID. But is the pandemic over?

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A young woman lies in bed during the day with blankets over her head, trying to manipulate her circadian rhythm.

Circadian Rhythm Manipulation for Insomnia and Sleep Habits

Your internal biological clock affects your mind and body. Discover how manipulating your circadian rhythm can improve sleep and overcome insomnia.

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A doctor in a hallway full of natural light checks off items on his patient’s preventative care checklist.

Overlooked Screenings That Belong on Your Preventative Care Checklist

Learn about commonly overlooked screenings on the conventional preventative care checklist and how personalized prevention can take you further.

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A bearded man lies in bed with insomnia, worrying about sleep’s effect on athletic performance.

What Is Sleep’s Effect on Athletic Performance?

Discover sleep’s effect on athletic performance, why it’s crucial to get enough rest, and three big ways a lack of sleep impacts you physically.

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How to Stop Jaw-Clenching From Stress

Learn how to stop clenching your jaw from stress, discover the physical and mental causes of this reaction, and find out how to break the cycle.

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Significant Drug Side Effects Are More Common Than You Think

While medications can help us enormously, they can also cause side effects and interact badly with one another. Learn what to do if you suspect a problem.

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Why Banner Peak Health Is Committed to Delivering Versatile Healthcare

Every person deserves personalized, top-notch healthcare. Learn how Banner Peak Health’s tailored approach sets us apart from the healthcare you’re used to.

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The GRAIL Galleri Test: Catching Cancer Before It Catches You

Learn about the GRAIL Galleri Test, a revolutionary new cancer detection technology that can spot cancer earlier than ever before — with a simple blood test.

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