Over the last several decades, the organizational structure of conventional healthcare has progressively shifted toward larger institutions. While growth in healthcare should benefit everyone, each layer of growth actually adds unnecessary complexity. Doctors and patients alike experience our current healthcare system as impersonal, uncaring, and counterproductive to quality medicine.

In this challenging era of healthcare, Banner Peak Health exists to rise above the restraints of traditional healthcare and give patients a refreshing alternative. We strive to give our patients the best medical care and member experience possible by providing direct access to physicians, a personalized approach to care, and a comprehensive plan for achieving peak health.

What is concierge medicine?

Concierge medicine is a membership-based model of primary care that gives patients direct access to their physician. We serve a smaller number of patients than traditional primary care (several hundred patients per physician compared to several thousand) which allows us to spend more time with each individual.

As a result, we can develop meaningful relationships that lead to a better understanding of our patients and their health. This also lets us provide benefits like direct immediate access to physicians, no wait times, same-day appointments, and ample attention to preventative medicine and longevity.

Contact us today

A Team Dedicated to Uncompromising Healthcare

Barry Rotman, MD

Physician and Founder

For over 30 years in medicine, Dr. Rotman has dedicated himself to excellence. With patients’ health as his top priority, he opened his own concierge medical practice in 2007 to practice medicine in a way that lets him truly serve their best interests.

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A portrait image of Dr. Waheeda Hiller

Waheeda Hiller, MD

Medical Doctor

“A wise mentor taught me that the secret in caring for patients is to care about them. It is our love of humanity that drives us to seek out the best for patients and be there for them. Banner Peak Health has given me the freedom to practice medicine in a manner consistent with my values.”

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Lindsay Klein, MD

Medical Doctor

Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity.

— Hippocrates

“There’s power in being present with a patient — in truly hearing their story and meeting them where they are at that moment. I’m excited to join Banner Peak Health and to practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced.”

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A headshot of Dr. Lindsay Klein at Banner Peak Health, a concierge medical practice serving the East Bay community.

Nicole Goldberg

Executive Director

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”

— Albert Einstein

“I truly believe in the power of learning and the power of empathy. Growing Banner Peak health to a multi-physician practice has allowed us to reach more patients and give them access to high-quality care. I thrive on the impact we have on our patients.”

Nicole has over 23 years of experience in the healthcare industry. She has been with Banner Peak Health since 2011. Nicole’s role has been pivotal in the expansion of Banner Peak Health, both through strategic planning and leadership. She has been instrumental in growing the practice from a solo physician to a multi-physician group. She brings a range of expertise to both clinical operations as well as business management.

Vanessa Harrison

Office Manager

Isabella Valdez

Medical Assistant

Kristi Leon Guerrero

Medical Assistant

Christina Nguyen

Medical Assistant

Vanessa Harrison

Office Manager

Isabella Valdez

Medical Assistant

Kristi Leon Guerrero

Medical Assistant

Christina Nguyen

Medical Assistant

Our Philosophy

We believe that striving for peak health is a journey, and that each journey is as unique as the individual pursuing it. As we progress, we will certainly encounter surprises along the way. This is a truth we embrace.

We can’t change the unpredictable nature of life, but we can offer our members something far more valuable: peace of mind. Banner Peak Health acts as collaborative partners, advocates, and guides so our members can be assured that no matter what health challenges they encounter, they’re in the right hands.

To provide the peace of mind our members deserve, we shaped Banner Peak Health around four key principles: Versatility, Empathy, Collaboration, and Commitment.


There’s a major problem with conventional healthcare’s one-size-fits-all approach — it simply doesn’t work.


Our unique practice model allows us to treat our members as individuals. Because our practice is patient-funded (not reliant on insurance reimbursements), we have the freedom to attend to each patient’s specific needs without interference from third parties. This lets us provide care that is more convenient and thorough for our members.


The impersonal nature of large healthcare institutions creates a major challenge for patients who want the care quality and experience they deserve.


While we are medical professionals, we’re people first. We believe a genuine understanding of what it’s like to be on both ends of the stethoscope is paramount to being a great physician. This leads us to practice Golden Rule Medicine, providing the same type of care we desire for our families and ourselves.


Despite the tremendous developments in communication technology, in conventional healthcare, patient care information is typically siloed. Doctors rarely have the time or capacity to speak directly with other physicians or specialists about individual patient needs. This leads to inefficient and often ineffective care.


In concierge primary care, we put our members’ needs first. Because time is not a limiting factor, we are able to openly communicate with and consult other physicians, specialists, and members of our world-class network to make the best decisions for our patients’ health.


Above all else, we seek to provide patients with the best possible healthcare. We prioritize our members’ health over “profit”, “efficiency”, and similar values that have made conventional healthcare impersonal, uncaring, and counterproductive.


At Banner Peak Health, providing the highest quality care comes first, and we refuse to compromise on that commitment.

Feel free to contact us for more information about our practice