Why Is My VO2 Max Going Down? (And How to Increase It)

Learn why your VO2 max is going down, how accurately wearable devices monitor it, and what steps you can take to improve your rate.

Woman sleeping getting more REM sleep.

How to Get More REM Sleep: Proven Strategies for Quality Rest

Learn the importance of REM sleep and how to enhance it through lifestyle changes. Comprehend the role of sleep in maintaining optimal health.

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A Physician’s Thoughts on the Oura Ring: The Latest Health Trend

Discover the Oura Ring, worn by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow and Prince Harry. Delve into its features, accuracy, and potential health benefits.

Man checking watch to monitor heart rate variability.

Heart Rate Variability: A New Tool for Stress Management

Discover how monitoring heart rate variability with wearable tech can guide lifestyle changes to reduce stress, improve well-being, and help you wake up feeling great.

A man easily checks his glucose levels with his smartphone, thanks to his continuous glucose monitoring device.

The Benefits of Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Continuous glucose monitoring is revolutionizing diabetes prevention by providing real-time insights to manage and improve your health. Learn more here.

A close-up of a woman’s shoes while she speed walks down the street, practicing zone 2 training.

The Magic of Zone 2

Explore the transformative benefits of Zone 2 training, a proven method to reverse diabetes and enhance exercise capacity with just three hours of weekly workouts.

A handful of fish oil capsules spill out of a clear glass pill bottle that is tipped over on a black tabletop.

Fish Oil: To Take or Not to Take

Explore my quest for growth in 2024 through the lens of health optimization. This week? A critical analysis of fish oil’s cardiovascular benefits.

A fit man in cycling gear rides a road bike on a winding, paved street through the sunny California hills.

Exercise — The Real Fountain of Youth

Looking for a real-life Fountain of Youth? From reducing heart disease risk to enhancing longevity, discover exercise’s integral role in modern healthcare.

A woman sits on her countertop while eating yogurt, wondering, “Do I need a probiotic?”

Gut Microbiome: How Do I Know if I Need a Probiotic?

“How do I know if I need a probiotic?” Explore the complexities of the gut microbiome, highlighting the latest research and potential benefits of probiotics.

Two sets of hands cradle a red toy heart, representing signs of a healthy heart and the importance of VO2 Max testing.

VO2 Max: The Diagnostic Crystal Ball

Looking for signs of a healthy heart? Discover VO2 max and learn how it goes beyond the usual cardiovascular tests to reveal more about your entire system.