Night Sweats: Understanding the Causes and How to Stay Cool
Struggling with nighttime overheating? Get expert tips from Banner Peak Health for better sleep comfort and wake up refreshed.
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What Supplements Lower Cortisol?
Uncover why no supplements may lower cortisol and how you can regulate your cortisol levels naturally. Learn about stress-beating strategies and more.
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Own Your Blood Pressure (and Get More Accurate Readings)
Blood pressure is important, but did you know the WAY you measure it is important too? Learn how to measure blood pressure for an accurate reading every time.
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A Patient’s Guide to Statins for Cholesterol Treatment
Should you take a statin? Explore the effectiveness of statins in averting devastating cardiovascular events, along with possible side effects and alternatives.
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Gut Microbiome: How Do I Know if I Need a Probiotic?
“How do I know if I need a probiotic?” Explore the complexities of the gut microbiome, highlighting the latest research and potential benefits of probiotics.
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We All Self-Medicate for Stress — What Are YOU Reaching For?
Learn several healthy techniques to cope with stress and understand the risks of turning to unhealthy habits such as substances, overeating, or avoidance.
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Our First Year Using an InBody Device (And What It Is)
What is an InBody scan? Discover what this technology reveals about body composition, going beyond weight and traditional BMI to identify real health risks.
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Why Is My Hair Falling Out So Much? (Hair Loss in Men and Women)
Wondering why your hair is falling out so much? Explore the common causes of hair loss for both men and women, and learn what you can do about them.
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Your Circadian Rhythm: Synchronizing Light, Health, and Wellness
Explore how morning light exposure enhances sleep, mood, and overall well-being, and discover practical steps to tune your biological clock for optimal health.
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