Are You Eligible for a COVID Booster in California?

Who is eligible for a COVID booster in California? And who should get one? Here’s a crash course on the COVID booster and vaccine to help you decide.

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We Need More Empathy in Healthcare

Patients want their physicians to provide an empathetic healthcare experience that meets their needs, so how do we make that happen? Find out here.

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A physician explains to a patient why preventative care is important.

Why Preventative Care Is the Ultimate Health Investment

Prevention is key when it comes to our health. Dr. Rotman explains why preventative care is important and should be our number one priority.

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COVID: The New Annual Holiday Tradition?

We've now gone through three holiday seasons confronting COVID. Unbelievable, but I have double-checked my math. Each year, the COVID pandemic has been at a unique phase in terms of treatment options…

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