A woman sits calmly on her blue couch, properly measuring her blood pressure at home for an accurate reading.

Own Your Blood Pressure (and Get More Accurate Readings)

Blood pressure is important, but did you know the WAY you measure it is important too? Learn how to measure blood pressure for an accurate reading every time.

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Three statin pills for cholesterol sit close on a wooden table, with out-of-focus pills lying in the background.

A Patient’s Guide to Statins for Cholesterol Treatment

Should you take a statin? Explore the effectiveness of statins in averting devastating cardiovascular events, along with possible side effects and alternatives.

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A woman sits on her countertop while eating yogurt, wondering, “Do I need a probiotic?”

Gut Microbiome: How Do I Know if I Need a Probiotic?

“How do I know if I need a probiotic?” Explore the complexities of the gut microbiome, highlighting the latest research and potential benefits of probiotics.

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Dr. Barry Rotman smiles at the camera as he holds the ends of a black stethoscope that is draped around his neck.

From Barry Rotman, MD: My New Role at Banner Peak Health

After decades spent studying what others have discovered, I’m now exploring new approaches to medicine. What does this mean for my role at Banner Peak Health?

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Two sets of hands cradle a red toy heart, representing signs of a healthy heart and the importance of VO2 Max testing.

VO2 Max: The Diagnostic Crystal Ball

Looking for signs of a healthy heart? Discover VO2 max and learn how it goes beyond the usual cardiovascular tests to reveal more about your entire system.

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A woman sits in a park on the green grass, journaling to cope with stress and anxiety.

We All Self-Medicate for Stress — What Are YOU Reaching For?

Learn several healthy techniques to cope with stress and understand the risks of turning to unhealthy habits such as substances, overeating, or avoidance.

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A close-up smartphone displays various medical articles available to read, with sun reflecting off the screen.

How to Be a Critical Reader of Medical Articles in the Lay Press 

Navigate the “infodemic” of medical information with these essential skills to critically discern relevant data from sensationalism in health articles.

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A young woman sits in her bed holding her head in her hand, experiencing seasonal affective disorder.

How to Treat the Winter Blues (SAD)

Explore seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a subset of depression linked to seasonal changes in light. Understand the symptoms and effective treatment options.

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A woman in a white sweatshirt sits meditating atop a hill on a misty day, following Banner Peak’s 12-step meditation guide.

The Banner Peak Health Meditation Cheat Sheet

Discover the Banner Peak Health 12-step guide to meditation: a simple approach to counter stress and rejuvenate mind and body. Prioritize yourself today.

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