A man in a white tank top holds a static plank on a yellow yoga mat to improve his core strength for cycling.

Don’t Ignore the Core: How Core Strength Is Essential for Cycling

Core strength is crucial to your power and performance on a bike. Don’t underestimate the impact of a strong core for cycling or any other athletic endeavor!

A young woman lies in bed during the day with blankets over her head, trying to manipulate her circadian rhythm.

Circadian Rhythm Manipulation for Insomnia and Sleep Habits

Your internal biological clock affects your mind and body. Discover how manipulating your circadian rhythm can improve sleep and overcome insomnia.

A bearded man lies in bed with insomnia, worrying about sleep’s effect on athletic performance.

What Is Sleep’s Effect on Athletic Performance?

Discover sleep’s effect on athletic performance, why it’s crucial to get enough rest, and three big ways a lack of sleep impacts you physically.

A depressed woman sits with her knees to her chest, wiping away her tears with a tissue while crying.

The Sad Triad: Depression, Poor Sleep, and Chronic Pain

Explore the link between depression, poor sleep, and chronic pain, and how a holistic approach can better help you manage symptoms and find lasting relief.

A Doctor’s View on the Potential Daylight Savings Changes

What could permanent daylight savings mean for your health? Find out what the sleep experts are saying.

Why Cholesterol Doesn’t Matter (Without a Coronary Calcium Score)

For years, cholesterol panels have been the standard for cardiac risk assessment, but what we see in patients every day shows it’s not enough. Find out why.

How Long Does It Take for Caffeine to Kick In?

The question, “How long does it take for caffeine to kick in?,” has a fairly simple answer, but how long the effects last is more complicated. Learn more.

NSAIDs: How Much Anti-Inflammatory Medication Is Too Much?

Are you taking NSAIDs for pain relief? You might be surprised to learn that NSAIDs have a long list of possible side effects. Learn more here.